Data Submission
We encourage users of KIR to share their data with the research community. The related information of locus, allele, insitu experiments and images can be added, updated and deleted.
Please take a look at the specific guidelines of each classification for submitting data to KIR. You will be asked to download a preformatted Excel worksheet to fill in and submit to KIR. Before submitting your data, review your entries to ensure that the data is correct. Please send an email to Junyang Yue with a description of the data you would like to submit. We will then work with you to integrate your data into the database and/or add it to the FTP server.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at:
Gene symbol
Reserve a gene symbol prior to publication to ensure uniqueness and consistency in gene nomenclature. These symbols typically consist of 3 or 4 letters that define either a single gene (ABC) or a gene family (ABC1, ABC2, ABC3). Although a number of classical genetic loci were assigned 2-letter symbols years ago, the continued use of 2-letter symbols to name new loci is strongly discouraged except in cases where there is a compelling reason based on the underlying science. A similar justification should be provided for the use of gene class symbols with more than 4 letters. Symbols may describe a mutant phenotype or some aspect of gene structure or function.
Please use ALL UPPERCASE letters for the Mutant Symbols (ex: EMBRYONIC LETHAL) and all lowercase letters for Gene Product Symbols (except when referring to domains or other symbols; examples: chloroplast J-like domain; TON1 recruiting motif).
This registration process is designed to minimize accidental duplications in gene nomenclature by comparing the symbol being registered with both the Registered Symbol list below and searching KIR to see if the symbol is unregistered but already published. If the symbol is either registered or published the registration will not be accepted.
Gene function
Please submit your summary level data regarding all aspects of gene function, including gene product function, biological process, subcellular localization, expression pattern, and interactions with other gene products at the time of publication. We also welcome submission of data from older articles by any community member whether or not you are an author on the article.
All submissions will be reviewed by a curator before making the data public and will not be released until the relevant publication is published.
Gene annotation
If you have found missing information, errors or discrepancies in the annotation of an existing gene in KIR, we would like to update our gene information to include your data.
Please include the KIR ID and a marker next to the incorrectly formatted data in your files.
External links
We provide links from KIR detail pages to other stable and generally useful data resources. We encourage users to submit external links associated to data objects found in KIR. Submitted links will be added to the external link band on the object detail pages. Data objects accepted include: Loci, Clones, Genes, Polymorphisms, Genetic Markers, and Clone Ends.
Phenotype submission
Submit phenotype descriptions for plants that you have characterized, whether they are your own stocks or were obtained from a stock center.
We accept phenotype data for all mapped and/or sequenced kiwifruit mutants.
Sequenced data
We encourage users of KIR to share their high-throught data (including cDNA, EST, SNP, genomic clone, protein sequence, etc) with the research community.
Note: The raw data of some sequence types need to be submitted to other public repositories (see below). In this case, links associated to those data objects are necessary.
Nucleotide and protein sequences
Please submit cDNA, EST, genomic clone and protein sequence data to GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, UniProt.
Expression data
Please submit microarray and high-throughput sequencing data to GEO, NASCArrays, ArrayExpress.
Protein interaction data
Please submit protein interaction data to IntAct.
Protein structure data
Please submit protein structures to PDB.