News & Events
This page provides news and events for the kiwifruit research community.
In the year 2015
December 09, 2015
Kiwifruit Information Resource (KIR): a comparative platform for kiwifruit genomics has been published in DATABASE.
June 06, 2015
New tracks for sequences were added to GBrowse.
May 21, 2015
Alternative splicing data sets are available at the download page.
March 12, 2015
Genome annotation data were updated, including 20 genes were revised and 30 genes were created.
In the year 2014
December 08, 2014
SSR markers were added to GBrowse for KIR build.
In the year 2013
October 25, 2013
The genome annotation is now available in the JBrowse genome viewer.
October 18, 2013
Draft genome of the kiwifruit Actinidia chinensis has been published in Nature communications.
August 11, 2013
We released Kiwifruit Genome Database.
In the year 2011
July 11, 2011
IKGC is dedicated to sequence the kiwifruit genome.
May 25, 2011
The International Kiwifruit Genome Consortium (IKGC) was initiated by scientists from Hefei University of Technology, Sichuan University, and Cornell University.